Green Bell Pepper

  • Totals for Green Pepper Fruit over 8 harvest
  • % Increases in Fruit Count & Fruit Weight/Plant & Fruit Weight
  • BASC, INC., Sacramento, CA 2018
Bell Pepper Trial Results

Green Bell Pepper

  • Totals for Green Pepper Fruit over 8 harvest
  • % Increases in Fruit Count & Fruit Weight/Plant & Fruit Weight
  • BASC, INC., Sacramento, CA 2018
Green Bell Pepper Trial 2

The results speak for themself.

Take your harvests to new levels.

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It Works.

Afalfa Trial Results

The Release treated Alfalfa had higher “Relative Feed Values” as well significantly higher “Yields”.
After the first cutting, the treated field went from fair Relative Feed Value to Premium and on the last cutting it increased to Supreme Relative Feed Value.

Cotton Trial Results

The Release treated Cotton yield 13% more that the untreated cotton. In addition there was an extra $7.00 per acre savings by reducing fertilizer costs. Over all Field One had increase of net profits of $98.00 per acre and Field Two had increase of $211.00 The investment cost of Release was $15.00 per acre.

Cucumber Trial Results

The Release treated Cucumbers yielded 50% more than the historical averages. Yields went from 600 boxes per acre to 900 boxes. In addition the Cucumbers were more uniform in shape and color. The farmer attributes the increase in yield to extended harvesting time due to the health of the plant. Overall, the increases in gross profits 400 was $3,600.00 per acre (less labor, overhead and boxes) for a $45.00 per acre investment. Gross Profit was based on an average price of $12 per box.

Tomato Trial Results

The Release treat Tomatoes yield was 25% more than the historical averages. Yields went from 1,900 boxes per acre to 2,400 boxes per acre.

Soybean Trial Results

There was no noticeable difference between fields that had the additional granular application. Some of the fields were six years old and had 3 prior years of Release treatments.

Watermelon Trial Results

The Release treated field yielded 59,000 lbs. per acre. In addition the Watermelons were more uniform in size and color and there was significantly less rejected Watermelons. The yield increase was 30% when
Release was applied.
