The only 25(b) exempt synthetic, non-corrosive acid.- HydroPLUS replaces hydrochloric and sulfuric acid to lower the pH of high bicarbonate irrigation water.
- HydroPLUS aggressively lowers the pH of water without the health hazards and corrosive effects of traditional acid treatments.
- HydroPLUS is the safest most effective alternative to traditional acid treatments in agriculture.

HydroPLUS is the safest most effective replacement for traditional agricultural hydrochloric and sulfuric acids. HydroPLUS offers the only acid-free alternative to attack extreme hard water conditions and breaks up bicarbonites in the soil. HydroPLUS safely removes carbonate and bicarbonate compounds from hard water, irrigation lines, drip tape and soil.
Mineral acids corrode equipment and damage crops because they contain oxidizing metals like sulfur or chlorine. Hydro+ contains no metals and therefore can’t oxidize or corrode equipment or harm plants. Even when applied at extremely low pH levels Hydro+ will not react with skin, plastics or plant tissue.
Water, high in bicarbonate (CaCO2), is best treated with very low pH acid solutions. The lower the pH the more CaCO2 dissolved. The problem is, crops and equipment can’t take the low pH without damage. Hydro+ has a 0 pH and more rapidly dissolves bicarbonate compounds than mineral acids. (see chart) Yet, Hydro+ is safely applied directly onto actively growing crops at a very aggressive 2 pH. Mineral acids kill crops at 4 pH and rot metal at 6pH.
Application Recommendations:
When used as directed HydroPLUS is safe for use in irrigation water used on all crops, turf types, (Including Golf Course Greens, Tees, Fairways and Roughs) Tree and Vine orchards & Green Houses. Line Cleaner HydroPLUS is designed for direct injection into all high-volume irrigation systems at high concentration to remove scaling.
Direct Injection — (Preferred Use Method)
For Removal of heavy scale deposits Inject HydroPLUS as lose to the original water source as possible and use line cleaner rate of (1:10,000 dilution)
Preventative maintenance from scaling Inject HydroPLUS as close to water source as possible and use the mainte- nance rate of (1:30,000 dilution
Water pH Adjustment
HydroPLUS can be used as a pH adjuster during normal crop irrigation cycles and is safe throughout the crop growing season.
Direct Injection — (Preferred Use Method)
To adjust water pH by one unit Inject HydroPLUS as close to the original water source as possible and use rate of rate of (1:10,000) (1:15,000 dilution) for extreme hard water conditions
Tank Spray
Always introduce HydroPLUS into water before adding other chemistries.
Vigorously agitate tank solution for minimum 45 minutes prior to initiating application.
FOR BEST RESULTS— Follow any spray application of HydroPLUS with a full irrigation cycle or rain event.
One gallon of HydroPLUS will lower the pH of 30,000 gallons of most irrigation water by one pH unit. Dilution rates will vary with source water quality. Consult your water profile test (provided by your Plant Tech dealer) or add HydroPLUS until desired pH is reached. HydroPLUS provides maximum results when the product is vigorously mixed with irrigation water. Adequate agitation is achieved when product is run through most irrigation systems.